
Status updates, news, polls and information.

Queue Update

Alright, I just wanted to let you all know I have updated the queue.  =^.^=https://thatmarchingbunny.com/queue I will also be going through patrons sometime this week…

Happy New Year!

Tomorrow (or rather today XD) I will begin working on art and have the queue updated, got lots of work to do. This has been…

Annual Memberships

So it seems I just gained access to this feature. Not sure when, but I decided to activate it. So now you are able to…

Commissions and small update

Just wanted to let you all know that I have commissions open just in case any of you want one. Also, will be posting the…

Patreon Hub Satisfaction?

So this is more just me being curious as I have not really asked or gotten any feedback thus far on the patreon hub. So…

Patreon Hub

Alright, so I ended up spending quite a bit time working on a solution to what patreon has been doing. I am going to distribute…

Another Update

Ok, so … I took a look at subscribe star and I don’t think it will work for me as I do not have a…